Tagged "Idris"
Chapel's Runtime Types as an Interesting Alternative to Dependent Types
3936 words, about 19 minutes to read.
One day, when I was in graduate school, the Programming Languages research group was in a pub for a little gathering. Amidst beers, fries, and overpriced sandwiches, the professor …
A Typesafe Representation of an Imperative Language
4159 words, about 20 minutes to read.
A recent homework assignment for my university’s programming languages course was to encode the abstract syntax for a small imperative language into Haskell data types. The …
Meaningfully Typechecking a Language in Idris, With Tuples
2232 words, about 11 minutes to read.
Some time ago, I wrote a post titled Meaningfully Typechecking a Language in Idris. I then followed it up with Meaningfully Typechecking a Language in Idris, Revisited. In these …
Meaningfully Typechecking a Language in Idris, Revisited
2970 words, about 14 minutes to read.
Some time ago, I wrote a post titled Meaningfully Typechecking a Language in Idris. The gist of the post was as follows:
Meaningfully Typechecking a Language in Idris
2419 words, about 12 minutes to read.
This term, I’m a TA for Oregon State University’s Programming Languages course. The students in the course are tasked with using Haskell to implement a programming …