Tagged "Nix"
Declaratively Deploying Multiple Blog Versions with NixOS and Flakes
3573 words, about 17 minutes to read.
Prologue You can skip this section if you’d like. For the last few days, I’ve been stuck inside of my room due to some kind of cold or flu, which or may or may not be …
Rendering Mathematics On The Back End
2244 words, about 11 minutes to read.
Due to something of a streak of bad luck when it came to computers, I spent a significant amount of time using a Linux-based Chromebook, and then a Pinebook Pro. It was, in some …
Building a Crystal Project with Nix, Revisited
1191 words, about 6 minutes to read.
As I’ve described in my previous post, the process for compiling a Crystal project with Nix is a fairly straightforward one. As is standard within the Nix ecosystem, the …
Building a Basic Crystal Project with Nix
769 words, about 4 minutes to read.
I really like the idea of Nix: you can have reproducible builds, written more or less declaratively. I also really like the programming language Crystal , which is a compiled Ruby …