Tagged "Hugo"
Integrating Agda's HTML Output with Hugo
4001 words, about 19 minutes to read.
One of my favorite things about Agda are its clickable HTML pages. If you don’t know what they are, that’s pages like Data.List.Properties ; they just give the code …
Approximating Custom Functions in Hugo
630 words, about 3 minutes to read.
This will be an uncharacteristically short post. Recently, I wrote about my experience with including code from local files. After I wrote that post, I decided to expand upon my …
Pleasant Code Includes with Hugo
1826 words, about 9 minutes to read.
Ever since I started the compiler series, I began to include more and more fragments of code into my blog. I didn’t want to be copy-pasting my code between my project and my …
JavaScript-Free Sidenotes in Hugo
1178 words, about 6 minutes to read.
A friend recently showed me a website, the design of which I really liked: Gwern Branwen’s personal website . In particular, I found that sidenotes were a feature that I …