Tagged "Haskell"
Generalizing Folds in Haskell
3372 words, about 16 minutes to read.
Have you encountered Haskell’s foldr function? Did you know that you can use it to express any function on a list? What’s more, there’s a way to derive similar …
How Many Values Does a Boolean Have?
2084 words, about 10 minutes to read.
A friend of mine recently had an interview for a software engineering position. They later recounted to me the content of the technical questions that they had been asked. Some had …
Time Traveling In Haskell: How It Works And How To Use It
4296 words, about 21 minutes to read.
I recently got to use a very curious Haskell technique in production: [note: As production as research code gets, anyway! ] time traveling. I say this with the utmost seriousness. …
Meaningfully Typechecking a Language in Idris
2419 words, about 12 minutes to read.
This term, I’m a TA for Oregon State University’s Programming Languages course. The students in the course are tasked with using Haskell to implement a programming …
Using GHC IDE for Haskell Error Checking and Autocompletion
629 words, about 3 minutes to read.
Last year, when I took Oregon State University’s CS 381 class, I ended up setting up my editor with the Haskell IDE engine. This made it possible to detect errors, view …
A Language for an Assignment - Homework 3
4155 words, about 20 minutes to read.
It rained in Sunriver on New Year’s Eve, and it continued to rain for the next couple of days. So, instead of going skiing as planned, to the dismay of my family and friends, …
A Language for an Assignment - Homework 2
1932 words, about 10 minutes to read.
After the madness of the language for homework 1, the solution to the second homework offers a moment of respite. Let’s get right into the problems, shall we?
A Language for an Assignment - Homework 1
3918 words, about 19 minutes to read.
On a rainy Oregon day, I was walking between classes with a group of friends. We were discussing the various ways to obfuscate solutions to the weekly homework assignments in our …
Haskell Error Checking and Autocompletion With LSP
1551 words, about 8 minutes to read.
For Oregon State University’s CS 381, Programming Language Fundamentals, Haskell is the language of choice. While it has an excellent REPL, and an excellent compiler, a piece …