Tagged "C"
How Many Values Does a Boolean Have?
2084 words, about 10 minutes to read.
A friend of mine recently had an interview for a software engineering position. They later recounted to me the content of the technical questions that they had been asked. Some had …
Compiling a Functional Language Using C++, Part 9 - Garbage Collection
4832 words, about 23 minutes to read.
“When will you learn? When will you learn that your actions have consequences?” So far, we’ve entirely ignored the problem of memory management. Every time that …
Compiling a Functional Language Using C++, Part 7 - Runtime
2168 words, about 11 minutes to read.
Wikipedia has the following definition for a runtime: A [runtime] primarily implements portions of an execution model. We know what our execution model is! We talked about it in …
Compiling a Functional Language Using C++, Part 0 - Intro
975 words, about 5 minutes to read.
During my last academic term, I was enrolled in a compilers course. We had a final project - develop a compiler for a basic Python subset, using LLVM. It was a little boring - …
Local Development Environment for JOS and CS 444
733 words, about 4 minutes to read.
Working with the instructor’s dotfiles on the server is great and all, but there’s a few things you can do loccally that you can’t do on the school server:
Learning Emulation, Part 2.5 - Implementation
851 words, about 4 minutes to read.
This is the third post in a series I’m writing about Chip-8 emulation. If you want to see the first one, head here.
Learning Emulation, Part 2
650 words, about 4 minutes to read.
This is the second post in a series I’m writing about Chip-8 emulation. If you want to see the first one, head here.