Sometimes, content about the same topic is best organized into multiple posts. The following series span multiple articles, but have a common overarching theme.
A Language for an Assignment
Series status: Suspended
In this series, I create a brand new programming language for each homework assignment of my algorithms class. I try to make the language whimsical and specialized to only the problem at hand. The languages are implemented using Haskell, and translate to Python.
Advent of Code in Coq
Series status: Suspended
In this series, I apply the Coq proof assistant to formalize solutions to the puzzles to Advent of Code 2020. That is, I try to solve the problem, and formally prove that the solution is correct.
Compiling a Functional Language using C++
Series status: Complete
This series covers the implementation of a compiler for a lazily evaluated functional language using C++ and LLVM. The language is initially based on my project for a university course in compilers, but is extended with many additional features, such as polymorphism, let-in expressions, and polymorphism.
Implementing and Verifying "Static Program Analysis" in Agda
Series status: Complete
In this series, I attempt to formalize the first few chapters of Static Program Analysis in Agda. The goal is to have a formally verified, yet executable, static analyzer for a simple language.
Meaningfully Typechecking a Language in Idris
Series status: Complete
In this series, I use the dependently-typed programming language Idris to implement relatively simple typechecking of a simple object language. However, I do so with a twist: the typechecker produces expressions that are guaranteed to be safe to evaluate. The interpreter then doesn’t have to worry about checking for type errors.