One day, when I was in graduate school, the Programming Languages research group was in a pub for a little gathering. Amidst beers, fries, and overpriced sandwiches, the professor and I were talking about dependent types. Speaking loosely and imprecisely, these are types that are somehow constructed from values in a language, like numbers.
For example, in C++, std::array
is a dependent type. An instantiation of the type array
, like array<string, 3>
is constructed from the type of its elements (here, string
) and a value
representing the number of elements (here, 3
). This is in contrast with types
like std::vector
, which only depends on a type (e.g., vector<string>
be a dynamically-sized collection of strings).
I was extolling the virtues of general dependent types, like you might find in Idris or Agda: more precise function signatures! The [note: The Curry-Howard isomorphism is a common theme on this blog. I've written about it myself, but you can also take a look at the Wikipedia page. ] The professor was skeptical. He had been excited about dependent types in the past, but nowadays he felt over them. They were cool, he said, but there are few practical uses. In fact, he posed a challenge:
Give me one good reason to use dependent types in practice that doesn’t involve keeping track of bounds for lists and matrices!
This challenge alludes to fixed-length lists – vectors – which are one of the first dependently-typed data structures one learns about. Matrices are effectively vectors-of-vectors. In fact, even in giving my introductory example above, I demonstrated the C++ equivalent of a fixed-length list, retroactively supporting the professor’s point.
It’s not particularly important to write down how I addressed the challenge; suffice it to say that the notion resonated with some of the other students present in the pub. In the midst of practical development, how much of dependent types’ power can you leverage, and how much power do you pay for but never use?
A second round of beers arrived. The argument was left largely unresolved, and conversation flowed to other topics. Eventually, I graduated, and started working on the Chapel language team (I also write on the team’s blog).
When I started looking at Chapel programs, I could not believe my eyes…
A Taste of Chapel’s Array Types
Here’s a simple Chapel program that creates an array of 10 integers.
var A: [0..9] int;
Do you see the similarity to the std::array
example above? Of course, the
syntax is quite different, but in essence I think the resemblance is
uncanny. Let’s mangle the type a bit — producing invalid Chapel programs —
just for the sake of demonstration.
var B: array(0..9, int); // first, strip the syntax sugar
var C: array(int, 0..9); // swap the order of the arguments to match C++
Only one difference remains: in C++, arrays are always indexed from zero. Thus,
writing array<int, 10>
would implicitly create an array whose indices start
with 0
and end in 9
. In Chapel, array indices can start at values other
than zero (it happens to be useful for elegantly writing numerical programs),
so the type explicitly specifies a lower and a higher bound. Other than that,
though, the two types look very similar.
In general, Chapel arrays have a domain, typically stored in variables like D
The domain of A
above is {0..9}
. This domain is part of the array’s type.
Before I move on, I’d like to pause and state a premise that is crucial
for the rest of this post: I think knowing the size of a data structure,
like std::array
or Chapel’s [0..9] int
, is valuable. If this premise
were not true, there’d be no reason to prefer std::array
to std::vector
, or
care that Chapel has indexed arrays. However, having this information
can help in numerous ways, such as:
Enforcing compatible array shapes. For instance, the following Chapel code would require two arrays passed to function
to have the same size.proc doSomething(people: [?D] person, data: [D] personInfo) {}
Similarly, we can enforce the fact that an input to a function has the same shape as the output:
proc transform(input: [?D] int): [D] string;
Consistency in generics. Suppose you have a generic function that declares a new variable of a given type, and just returns it:
proc defaultValue(type argType) { var x: argType; return x; }
Code like this exists in “real” Chapel software, by the way — the example is not contrived. By including the bounds etc. into the array type, we can ensure that
is appropriately allocated. Then,defaultValue([1,2,3].type)
would return an array of three default-initialized integers. -
Eliding boundary checking. Boundary checking is useful for safety, since it ensures that programs don’t read or write past the end of allocated memory. However, bounds checking is also slow. Consider the following function that sums two arrays:
proc sumElementwise(A: [?D] int, B: [D] int) { var C: [D] int; for idx in D do C[idx] = A[idx] + B[idx]; }
Since arrays
, andC
have the same domainD
, we don’t need to do bound checking when accessing any of their elements. I don’t believe this is currently an optimisation in Chapel, but it’s certainly on the table. -
Documentation. Including the size of the array as part of type signature clarifies the intent of the code being written. For instance, in the following function:
proc sendEmails(numEmails: int, destinationAddrs: [1..numEmails] address) { /* ... */ }
It’s clear from the type of the
s that there ought to be exactly as manydestinationAddrs
as the number of emails that should be sent.
Okay, recap: C++ has std::array
, which is a dependently-typed container
that represents an array with a fixed number of elements. Chapel has something
similar. I think these types are valuable.
At this point, it sort of looks like I’m impressed with Chapel for copying a C++ feature from 2011. Not so! As I played with Chapel programs more and more, arrays miraculously supported patterns that I knew I couldn’t write in C++. The underlying foundation of Chapel’s array types is quite unlike any other. Before we get to that, though, let’s take a look at how dependent types are normally used (by us mere mortal software engineers).
Difficulties with Dependent Types
Let’s start by looking at a simple operation on fixed-length lists: reversing them. One might write a reverse function for “regular” lists, ignoring details like ownership, copying, that looks like this:
std::vector<int> reverse(std::vector<int>);
This function is not general: it won’t help us reverse lists of
strings, for instance. The “easy fix” is to replace int
with some kind
of placeholder that can be replaced with any type.
std::vector<T> reverse(std::vector<T>);
You can try compiling this code, but you will immediately run into an error.
What the heck is T
? Normally,
when we name a variable, function, or type (e.g., by writing vector
, reverse
we are referring to its declaration somewhere else. At this time, T
is not
declared anywhere. It just “appears” in our function’s type. To fix this,
we add a declaration for T
by turning reverse
into a template:
template <typename T>
std::vector<T> reverse(std::vector<T>);
The new reverse
above takes two arguments: a type and a list of values of
that type. So, to really call this reverse
, we need to feed the type
of our list’s elements into it. This is normally done automatically
(in C++ and otherwise) but under the hood, invocations might look like this:
reverse<int>({1,2,3}); // produces 3, 2, 1
reverse<string>({"world", "hello"}) // produces "hello", "world"
This is basically what we have to do to write reverse
on std::array
, which,
includes an additional parameter that encodes its length. We might start with
the following (using n
as a placeholder for length, and observing that
reversing an array doesn’t change its length):
std::array<T, n> reverse(std::array<T, n>);
Once again, to make this compile, we need to add template parameters for T
and n
template <typename T, size_t n>
std::array<T, n> reverse(std::array<T, n>);
Now, you might be asking…
Well, here’s the kicker. C++ templates are a compile-time mechanism. As
a result, arguments to template
(like T
and n
) must be known when the
program is being compiled. This, in turn, means
The observant reader might have noticed that one of the Chapel programs we
saw above, sendEmails
, does something similar. The
argument is used in the type of the
parameter. That program is valid Chapel.
void buildArray(size_t len) {
std::array<int, len> myArray;
// do something with myArray
You can’t use these known-length types like std::array
with any length
that is not known at compile-time. But that’s a lot of things! If you’re reading
from an input file, chances are, you don’t know how big that file is. If you’re
writing a web server, you likely don’t know the length the HTTP requests.
With every setting a user can tweak when running your code, you sacrifice the
ability to use templated types.
Also, how do you return a std::array
? If the size of the returned array is
known in advance, you just list that size:
std::array<int, 10> createArray();
If the size is not known at compile-time, you might want to do something like
the following — using an argument n
in the type of the returned array —
but it would not compile:
auto computeNNumbers(size_t n) -> std::array<int, n>; // not valid C++
Moreover, you actually can’t use createArray
to figure out the required
array size, and then return an array that big, even if in the end you
only used compile-time-only computations in the body of createArray
What you would need is to provide a “bundle” of a value and a type that is somehow
built from that value.
// magic_pair is invented syntax, will not even remotely work
auto createArray() -> magic_pair<size_t size, std::array<int, size>>;
This pair contains a size
(suppose it’s known at compilation time for
the purposes of appeasing C++) as well as an array that uses that size
as its template argument. This is not real C++ – not even close – but
such pairs are a well-known concept. They are known as
dependent pairs,
or, if you’re trying to impress people, -types. In Idris, you
could write createArray
like this:
createArray : () -> (n : Nat ** Vec n Int)
There are languages out there – that are not C++, alas – that support
dependent pairs, and as a result make it more convenient to use types that
depend on values. Not only that, but a lot of these languages do not force
dependent types to be determined at compile-time. You could write that
coveted readArrayFromFile
readArrayFromFile : String -> IO (n : Nat ** Vec n String)
Don’t mind IO
; in pure languages like Idris, this type is a necessity when
interacting when reading data in and sending it out. The key is that
produces, at runtime, a pair of n
, which is the size
of the resulting array, and a Vec
of that many String
s (e.g., one string
per line of the file).
Dependent pairs are cool and very general. However, the end result of types with bounds which are not determined at compile-time is that you’re required to use dependent pairs. Thus, you must always carry the array’s length together with the array itself.
The bottom line is this:
In true dependently typed languages, a type that depends on a value (like
in Idris) lists that value in its type. When this value is listed by referring to an identifier — liken
inVec n String
above — this identifier has to be defined somewhere, too. This necessitates dependent pairs, in which the first element is used syntactically as the “definition point” of a type-level value. For example, in the following piece of code:(n : Nat ** Vec n String)
n : Nat
part of the pair serves both to say that the first element is a natural number, and to introduce a variablen
that refers to this number so that the second type (Vec n String
) can refer to it.A lot of the time, you end up carrying this extra value (bound to
above) with your type. -
In more mainstream languages, things are even more restricted: dependently typed values are a compile-time property, and thus, cannot be used with runtime values like data read from a file, arguments passed in to a function, etc..
Hiding Runtime Values from the Type
Let’s try to think of ways to make things more convenient. First of all, as
we saw, in Idris, it’s possible to use runtime values in types. Not only that,
but Idris is a compiled language, so presumably we can compile dependently typed programs
with runtime-enabled dependent types. The trick is to forget some information:
turn a vector Vec n String
into two values (the size of the vector and the
vector itself), and forget – for the purposes of generating code – that they’re
related. Whenever you pass in a Vec n String
, you can compile that similarly
to how you’d compile passing in a Nat
and List String
. Since the program has
already been type checked, you can be assured that you don’t encounter cases
when the size and the actual vector are mismatched, or anything else of that
Additionally, you don’t always need the length of the vector at all. In a good chunk of Idris code, the size arguments are only used to ensure type correctness and rule out impossible cases; they are never accessed at runtime. As a result, you can erase the size of the vector altogether. In fact, Idris 2 leans on Quantitative Type Theory to make erasure easier.
At this point, one way or another, we’ve “entangled” the vector with a value representing its size:
- When a vector of some (unknown, but fixed) length needs to be produced from a function, we use dependent pairs.
- Even in other cases, when compiling, we end up treating a vector as a length value and the vector itself.
Generally speaking, a good language design practice is to hide extraneous complexity, and to remove as much boilerplate as necessary. If the size value of a vector is always joined at the hip with the vector, can we avoid having to explicitly write it?
This is pretty much exactly what Chapel does. It allows explicitly writing the domain of an array as part of its type, but doesn’t require it. When you do write it (re-using my original snippet above):
var A: [0..9] int;
What you are really doing is creating a value (the range 0..9
and entangling it with the type of A
. This is very similar to what a language
like Idris would do under the hood to compile a Vec
, though it’s not quite
the same.
At the same time, you can write code that omits the bounds altogether:
proc processArray(A: [] int): int;
proc createArray(): [] int;
In all of these examples, there is an implicit runtime value (the bounds) that is associated with the array’s type. However, we are never forced to explicitly thread through or include a size. Where reasoning about them is not necessary, Chapel’s domains are hidden away. Chapel refers to the implicitly present value associated with an array type as its runtime type.
I hinted earlier that things are not quite the same in this representation as they are in my simplified model of Idris. In Idris, as I mentioned earlier, the values corresponding to vectors’ indices can be erased if they are not used. In Chapel, this is not the case — a domain always exists at runtime. At the surface level, this means that you may pay for more than what you use. However, domains enable a number of interesting patterns of array code. We’ll get to that in a moment; first, I want to address a question that may be on your mind:
This is a fair question. The key difference is that the length exists even if an array
does not. The following is valid Chapel code (re-using the defaultValue
snippet above):
proc defaultValue(type argType) {
var x: argType;
return x;
proc doSomething() {
type MyArray = [1..10] int;
var A = defaultValue(MyArray);
Here, we created an array A
with the right size (10 integer elements)
without having another existing array as a reference. This might seem like
a contrived example (I could’ve just as well written var A: [1..10] int
but the distinction is incredibly helpful for generic programming. Here’s
a piece of code from the Chapel standard library, which implements
a part of Chapel’s reduction support:
inline proc identity {
var x: chpl__sumType(eltType); return x;
Identity elements are important when performing operations like sums and products, for many reasons. For one, they tell you what the sum (e.g.) should be when there are no elements at all. For another, they can be used as an initial value for an accumulator. In Chapel, when you are performing a reduction, there is a good chance you will need several accumulators — one for each thread performing a part of the reduction.
That identity
function looks almost like defaultValue
! Since it builds the
identity element from the type, and since the type includes the array’s dimensions,
summing an array-of-arrays, even if it’s empty, will produce the correct output.
type Coordinate = [1..3] real;
var Empty: [0..<0] Coordinate;
writeln(+ reduce Empty); // sum up an empty list of coordinates
As I mentioned before, having the domain be part of the type can also enable
indexing optimizations — without any need for interprocedural analysis —
in functions like sumElementwise
proc sumElementwise(A: [?D] int, B: [D] int) {
var C: [D] int;
for idx in D do
C[idx] = A[idx] + B[idx];
The C++ equivalent of this function – using vectors
to enable arbitrary-size
lists of numbers read from user input, and .at
to enable bounds checks —
does not include enough information for this optimization to be possible.
void sumElementwise(std::vector<int> A, std::vector<int> B) {
std::vector<int> C(A.size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < A.size(); i++) { = +;
All in all, this makes for a very interesting mix of features:
Chapel arrays have their bounds as part of types, like
in C++ andVec
in Idris. This enables all the benefits I’ve described above. - The bounds don’t have to be known at compile-time, like all dependent types in Idris. This means you can read arrays from files (e.g.) and still reason about their bounds as part of the type system.
- Domain information can be hidden when it’s not used, and does not require explicit additional work like template parameters or dependent pairs.
Most curiously, runtime types only extend to arrays and domains. In that sense, they are not a general purpose replacement for dependent types. Rather, they make arrays and domains special, and single out the exact case my professor was talking about in the introduction. Although at times I’ve twisted Chapel’s type system in unconventional ways to simulate dependent types, rarely have I felt a need for them while programming in Chapel. In that sense — and in the “practical software engineering” domain — I may have been proven wrong.
Pitfalls of Runtime Types
Should all languages do things the way Chapel does? I don’t think so. Like most features, runtime types like that in Chapel are a language design tradeoff. Though I’ve covered their motivation and semantics, perhaps I should mention the downsides.
The greatest downside is that, generally speaking, types are not always a
compile-time property. We saw this earlier with MyArray
type MyArray = [1..10] int;
Here, the domain of MyArray
(one-dimensional with bounds 1..10
) is a runtime
value. It has an
The execution-time cost is, of course, modulo dead code elimination etc.. If
my snippet made up the entire program being compiled, the end result would
likely do nothing, since MyArray
isn't used anywhere.
Moreover, types that serve as arguments to functions (like argType
), or as their return values (like the result of chpl__sumType
also have an execution-time backing. This is quite different from most
compiled languages. For instance, in C++, templates are “stamped out” when
the program is compiled. A function with a typename T
template parameter
called with type int
, in terms of generated code, is always the same as
a function where you search-and-replaced T
with int
. This is called
monomorphization, by the
way. In Chapel, however, if the function is instantiated with an array type,
it will have an additional parameter, which represents the runtime component
of the array’s type.
The fact that types are runtime entities means that compile-time type checking
is insufficient. Take, for instance, the above sendEmails
proc sendEmails(numEmails: int, destinationAddrs: [1..numEmails] address) { /* ... */ }
Since numEmails
is a runtime value (it’s a regular argument!), we can’t ensure
at compile-time that a value of some array matches the [1..numEmails] address
type. As a result, Chapel defers bounds checking to when the sendEmails
function is invoked.
This leads to some interesting performance considerations. Take two Chapel records
(similar to struct
s in C++) that simply wrap a value. In one of them,
we provide an explicit type for the field, and in the other, we leave the field
type generic.
record R1 { var field: [1..10] int; }
record R2 { var field; }
var A = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10];
var r1 = new R1(A);
var r2 = new R2(A);
In a conversation with a coworker, I learned that these are not the same.
That’s because the record R1
explicitly specifies a type
for field
. Since the type has a runtime component, the constructor
of R1
will actually perform a runtime check to ensure that the argument
has 10 elements. R2
will not do this, since there isn’t any other type
to check against.
Of course, the mere existence of an additional runtime component is a performance
consideration. To ensure that Chapel programs perform as well as possible,
the Chapel standard library attempts to avoid using runtime components
wherever possible. This leads to a distinction between a “static type”
(known at compile-time) and a “dynamic type” (requiring a runtime value).
The chpl__sumType
function we saw mentioned above uses static components of
types, because we don’t want each call to + reduce
to attempt to run a number
of extraneous runtime queries.
Though runtime types are not a silver bullet, I find them to be an elegant middle-ground solution to the problem of tracking array bounds. They enable optimizations, generic programming, and more, without the complexity of a fully dependently-typed language. They are also quite unlike anything I’ve seen in any other language.
What’s more, this post only scratches the surface of what’s possible using arrays and domains. Besides encoding array bounds, domains include information about how an array is distributed across several nodes (see the distributions primer), and how it’s stored in memory (see the sparse computations section of the recent 2.3 release announcement). In general, they are a very flavorful component to Chapel’s “special sauce” as a language for parallel computing.
You can read more about arrays and domains in the corresponding primer.