In the previous post, we put together a number of powerful pieces of machinery to construct a sign analysis. However, we still haven’t verified that this analysis produces correct results. For the most part, we already have the tools required to demonstrate correctness; the most important one is the validity of our CFGs relative to the semantics of the little language.
High-Level Algorithm
We’ll keep working with the sign lattice as an example, keeping in mind how what we do generalizes to a any lattice describing a variable’s state. The general shape of our argument will be as follows, where I’ve underlined and numbered assumptions or aspects that we have yet to provide.
Our fixed-point analysis from the previous section gave us a result that satisfies the following equation:
Above applies the predecessor-combining function from the previous post to each state (corresponding to
in Agda) and performs one round of abstract interpretation. -
Because of the correspondence of our semantics and CFGs, each program evaluation in the form corresponds to a path through the Control Flow Graph. Along the path, each node contains simple statements, which correspond to intermediate steps in evaluating the program. These will also be in the form .
We will proceed iteratively, stepping through the trace one basic block at a time. At each node in the graph:
We will assume that the beginning state (the variables in ) are correctly described 1 by one of the predecessors of the current node. Since joining represents "or" 2, that is the same as saying that contains an accurate description of .
Because the abstract interpretation function preserves accurate descriptions 3, if contains an accurate description , then applying our abstract interpretation function via should result in a map that contains an accurate-described . In other words, describes at the current block. By the equation above 4, that’s the same as saying describes at the current block.
Since the trace is a path through a graph, there must be an edge from the current basic block to the next. This means that the current basic block is a predecessor of the next one. From the previous point, we know that is accurately described by this predecessor, fulfilling our earlier assumption and allowing us to continue iteration.
So, what are the missing pieces?
- We need to define what it means for a lattice (like our sign lattice)
to “correctly describe” what happens when evaluating a program for real.
For example, the in sign analysis describes values that are bigger than zero,
and a map like
states thatx
can only take on positive values. - We’ve seen before the operator models disjunction (“A or B”), but that was only an informal observation; we’ll need to specify it preceisely.
- Each analysis provides an abstract interpretation
function. However, until now, nothing has formally constrained this function; we could return in every case, even though that would not be accurate. We will need, for each analysis, a proof that itseval
preserves accurate descriptions. - The equalities between our lattice elements are actually equivalences, which helps us use simpler representations of data structures. Thus, even in statements of the fixed point algorithm, our final result is a value such that . We need to prove that our notion of equivalent lattice elements plays nicely with correctness.
Let’s start with the first bullet point.
A Formal Definition of Correctness
When a variable is mapped to a particular sign (like { "x": + }
what that really says is that the value of x
is greater than zero. Recalling
from the post about our language’s semantics
that we use the symbol to represent mappings of variables to
their values, we might write this claim as:
This is a good start, but it’s a little awkward defining the meaning of “plus”
by referring to the context in which it’s used (the { "x": ... }
of the expression above). Instead, let’s associate with each sign (like ) a
predicate: a function that takes a value, and makes a claim about that value
(“this is positive”):
The notation above is a little weird unless you, like me, have a background in Programming Language Theory (❤️). This comes from denotational semantics; generally, one writes:
Where is really a function (we call it the semantic function) that maps things to their meaning. Then, the above equation is similar to the more familiar : function and arguments on the left, definition on the right. When the “meaning of the thing” is itself a function, we could write it explicitly using lambda-notation:
Or, we could use the Haskell style and write the new variable on the left of the equality:
That is precisely what I’m doing above with . With this in mind, we could define the entire semantic function for the sign lattice as follows:
In Agda, the integer type already distinguishes between “negative natural” or
“positive natural” cases, which made it possible to define the semantic function
Reasoning about inequalities is painful, sometimes requiring a number of
lemmas to arrive at a result that is intuitively obvious. Coq has a powerful
tactic called lia
that automatically solves systems of inequalities, and I use it liberally.
However, lacking such a tactic in Agda, I would like to avoid inequalities
if they are not needed.
Notably, always holds, and never does. In general, we will always need to define a semantic function for whatever lattice we are choosing for our analysis.
It’s important to remember from the previous post that the sign lattice (or, more generally, our lattice ) is only a component of the lattice we use to instantiate the analysis. We at least need to define what it means for the portion of that lattice to be correct. This way, we’ll have correctness criteria for each key (CFG node) in the top-level lattice. Since a map from variables to their sign characterizes not a single value but a whole environment , something like this is a good start:
As a concrete example, we might get:
This is pretty good, but not quite right. For instance, the initial state of
the program — before running the analysis — assigns to each
element. This is true because our fixed-point algorithm starts with the least
element of the lattice.
But even for a single-variable map {x: ⊥ }
, the semantic function above would
That’s clearly not right: our initial state should be possible, lest the entire proof be just a convoluted ex falso!
There is another tricky aspect of our analysis, which is primarily defined using the join () operator. Observe the following example:
// initial state: { x: ⊥ }
if b {
x = 1; // state: { x: + }
} else {
// state unchanged: { x: ⊥ }
// state: { x: + } ⊔ { x: ⊥ } = { x: + }
Notice that in the final state, the sign of x
is +
, even though when
is false
, the variable is never set. In a simple language like ours,
without variable declaration points, this is probably the best we could hope
for. The crucial observation, though, is that the oddness only comes into
play with variables that are not set. In the “initial state” case, none
of the variables have been modified; in the else
case of the conditional,
was never assigned to. We can thus relax our condition to an if-then:
if a variable is in our environment , then the variable-sign lattice’s
interpretation accurately describes it.
The first “weird” case now results in the following:
Which is just another way of saying:
In the second case, the interpretation also results in a true statement:
In Agda, I encode the fact that a verified analysis needs a semantic function
for its element lattice by taking such
a function as an argument called ⟦_⟧ˡ
I then define the semantic function for the variable-sign lattice in the following way, which eschews the “…” notation in favor of a more Agda-compatible (and equivalent) form:
The above reads roughly as follows:
For every variable
and sign [or, more generally, lattice element]l
in the variable map lattice, ifk
is in the environmentρ
, then it satisfies the predicate given by the semantic function applied tol
Let’s recap: we have defined a semantic function for our sign lattice, and noted that to define a verified analysis, we always need such a semantic function. We then showed how to construct a semantic function for a whole variable map (of type , or in general). We also wrote some Agda code doing all this. As a result, we have filled in the missing piece for property 1.
However, the way that we brought in the semantic function in the Agda code
above hints that there’s more to be discussed. What’s latticeInterpretationˡ
In answering that question, we’ll provide evidence for
Properties of the Semantic Function
As we briefly saw earlier, we loosened the notion of equality to that equivalences, which made it possible to ignore things like the ordering of key-value pairs in maps. That’s great and all, but nothing is stopping us from defining semantic functions that violate our equivalence! Supposing , as far as Agda is concerned, even though and are “equivalent”, and may be totally different. For a semantic function to be correct, it must produce the same predicate for equivalent elements of lattice . That’s missing piece 4.
Another property of semantic functions that we will need to formalize is that represents disjunction. This comes into play when we reason about the correctness of predecessors in a Control Flow Graph. Recall that during the last step of processing a given node, when we are trying to move on to the next node in the trace, we have knowledge that the current node’s variable map accurately describes the intermediate environment. In other words, holds, where is the variable map for the current node. We can generalize this kowledge a little, and get:
However, the assumption that we need to hold when moving on to a new node is in terms of , which combines all the predecessors’ maps using . Thus, we will need to be in a world where the following claim is true:
To get from one to the other, we will need to rely explicitly on the fact that encodes “or”. It’s not necessary for the forward analysis, but a similar property ought to hold for and “and”. This constraint provides missing piece 2.
I defined a new data type that bundles a semantic function with proofs of
the properties in this section; that’s precisely what latticeInterpretationˡ
In short, to leverage the framework for verified analysis, you would need to
provide a semantic function that interacts properly with ≈
and ∨
Correctness of the Evaluator
All that’s left is
the last missing piece,
which requires that eval
matches the semantics of our language. Recall
the signature of eval
It operates on expressions and variable maps, which themselves associate a sign (or, generally, an element of lattice ), with each variable. The “real” evaluation judgement, on the other hand, is in the form , and reads “expression in environment evaluates to value ”. In Agda:
Let’s line up the types of eval
and the judgement. I’ll swap the order of arguments
for eval
to make the correspondence easier to see:
Squinting a little, it’s almost like the signature of eval
is the signature
for the evaluation judgement, but it forgets a few details (the exact values
of the variables) in favor of abstractions (their signs). To show that eval
behaves correctly, we’ll want to prove that this forgetful correspondence holds.
Concretely, for any expression , take some environment , and “forget”
the exact values, getting a sign map . Now, evaluate the expression
to some value using the semantics, and also, compute the expression’s
expected sign using eval
. The sign should be the same as forgetting
’s exact value. Mathematically,
In Agda:
For a concrete analysis, we need to prove the above claim. In the case of sign analysis, this boils down to a rather cumbersome proof by cases. I will collapse the proofs to save some space and avoid overwhelming the reader.
(Click here to expand the proof of correctness for plus)
(Click here to expand the proof of correctness for minus)
This completes our last missing piece, 3. All that’s left is to put everything together.
Proving The Analysis Correct
Lifting Expression Evaluation Correctness to Statements
The individual analyses (like the sign analysis) provide only an evaluation
function for expressions, and thus only have to prove correctness of
that function. However, our language is made up of statements, with judgements
in the form . Now that we’ve shown (or assumed)
that eval
behaves correctly when evaluating expressions, we should show
that this correctness extends to evaluating statements, which in the
forward analysis implementation is handled by the
The property we need to show looks very similar to the property for eval
In Agda:
The proof is straightforward, and relies on the semantics of the map update. Specifically, in the case of an assignment statement , all we do is store the new sign computed from into the map at . To prove the correctness of the entire final environment , there are two cases to consider:
- A variable in question is the newly-updated . In this case, since
produces correct signs, the variable clearly has the correct sign. This is the first highlighted chunk in the below code. - A variable in question is different from . In this case, its value in the environment should be the same as it was prior, and its sign in the updated variable map is the same as it was in the original. Since the original map correctly described the original environment, we know the sign is correct. This is the second highlighted chunk in the below code.
The corresponding Agda proof is as follows:
From this, it follows with relative ease that each basic block in the lattice, when evaluated, produces an environment that matches the prediction of our forward analysis.
Walking the Trace
Finally, we get to the meat of the proof, which follows the outline. First,
let’s take a look at stepTrace
, which implements the second bullet in
our iterative procedure. I’ll show the code, then we can discuss it
in detail.
The first let
-bound variable, ⟦joinAll-result⟧ρ₁
is kind of an intermediate
result, which I was forced to introduced because rewrite
caused Agda to
allocate ~100GB of memory. It simply makes use of the fact that joinAll
, the
function that performs predecessor joining for each node in the CFG, sets
every key of the map accordingly.
The second let
-bound variable, ⟦analyze-result⟧
, steps through a given
node’s basic block and leverages our proof of statement-correctness to validate
that the final environment ρ₂
matches the predication of the analyzer.
The last two let
-bound variables apply the equation we wrote above:
Recall that analyze
is the combination of update
and join
Finally, the in
portion of the code uses ⟦⟧ᵛ-respects-≈ᵛ
, a proof
4, to produce
the final claim in terms of the result
Knowing how to step, we can finally walk the entire trace, implementing the iterative process:
The first step — assuming that one of the predecessors of the
current node satisfies the initial environment ρ₁
— is captured by
the presence of the argument ⟦joinForKey-s₁⟧ρ₁
. We expect the calling code
to provide a proof of that.
The second step, in both cases, is implemented using stepTrace
as we saw above. That results in a proof that at the end of the current basic
block, the final environment ρ₂
is accurately described.
From there, we move on to the third iterative step, if necessary. The
sub-expression edge⇒incoming s₁→s₂
validates that, since we have an edge
from the current node to the next, we are listed as a predecessor. This,
in turn, means that we are included in the list of states-to-join for the
function. That fact is stored in s₁∈incomingStates
Finally, relying on
we construct an assumption fit for a recursive invocation of walkTrace
and move on to the next CFG node. The foldr
here is motivated by the fact
that “summation” using is a fold.
When the function terminates, what we have is a proof that the final program state is accurately described by the results of our program analysis. All that’s left is to kick off the walk. To do that, observe that the initial state has no predecessors (how could it, if it’s at the beginning of the program?). That, in turn, means that this state maps every variable to the bottom element. Such a variable configuration only permits the empty environment . If the program evaluation starts in an empty environment, we have the assumption needed to kick off the iteration.
Take a look at the highlighted line in the above code block in particular.
It states precisely what we were hoping to see: that, when evaluating
a program, the final state when it terminates is accurately described by
the result
of our static program analysis at the finalState
in the CFG.
We have done it!
Future Work
It took a lot of machinery to get where we are, but there’s still lots of things to do.
Correctness beyond the final state: the statement we’ve arrived at only shows that the final state of the program matches the results of the analysis. In fact, the property hold for all intermediate states, too. The only snag is that it’s more difficult to state such a claim.
To do something like that, we probably need a notion of “incomplete evaluations” of our language, which run our program but stop at some point before the end. A full execution would be a special case of such an “incomplete evaluation” that stops in the final state. Then, we could restate
in terms of partial evaluations, which would strengthen it. -
A more robust language and evaluation process: we noted above that our join-based analysis is a little bit weird, particularly in the cases of uninitialized variables. There are ways to adjust our language (e.g., introducing variable declaration points) and analysis functions (e.g., only allowing assignment for declared variables) to reduce the weirdness somewhat. They just lead to a more complicated language.
A more general correctness condition: converting lattice elements into predicates on values gets us far. However, some types of analyses make claims about more than the current values of variables. For instance, live variable analysis checks if a variable’s current value is going to be used in the future. Such an analysis can help guide register (re)allocation. To talk about future uses of a variable, the predicate will need to be formulated in terms of the entire evaluation proof tree. This opens a whole can of worms that I haven’t begun to examine.
Now that I’m done writing up my code so far, I will start exploring these various avenues of work. In the meantime, though, thanks for reading!