In the previous two posts, I covered two ways of looking at programs in my little toy language:
In part 5, I covered the formal semantics of the programming language. These are precise rules that describe how programs are executed. These serve as the source of truth for what each statement and expression does.
Because they are the source of truth, they capture all information about how programs are executed. To determine that a program starts in one environment and ends in another (getting a judgement ), we need to actually run the program. In fact, our Agda definitions encoding the semantics actually produce proof trees, which contain every single step of the program’s execution.
In part 6, I covered Control Flow Graphs (CFGs), which in short arranged code into a structure that represents how execution moves from one statement or expression to the next.
Unlike the semantics, CFGs do not capture a program’s entire execution; they merely contain the possible orders in which statements can be evaluated. Instead of capturing the exact number of iterations performed by a
loop, they encode repetition as cycles in the graph. Because they are missing some information, they’re more of an approximation of a program’s behavior.
Our analyses operate on CFGs, but it is our semantics that actually determine how a program behaves. In order for our analyses to be able to produce correct results, we need to make sure that there isn’t a disconnect between the approximation and the truth. In the previous post, I stated the property I will use to establish the connection between the two perspectives:
For each possible execution of a program according to its semantics, there exists a corresponding path through the graph.
By ensuring this property, we will guarantee that our Control Flow Graphs account for anything that might happen. Thus, a correct analysis built on top of the graphs will produce results that match reality.
Traces: Paths Through a Graph
A CFG contains each “basic” statement in our program, by definition; when we’re executing the program, we are therefore running code in one of the CFG’s nodes. When we switch from one node to another, there ought to be an edge between the two, since edges in the CFG encode possible control flow. We keep doing this until the program terminates (if ever).
Now, I said that there “ought to be edges” in the graph that correspond to our program’s execution. Moreover, the endpoints of these edges have to line up, since we can only switch which basic block / node we’re executing by following an edge. As a result, if our CFG is correct, then for every program execution, there is a path between the CFG’s nodes that matches the statements that we were executing.
Take the following program and CFG from the previous post as an example.
x = 2;
while x {
x = x - 1;
y = x;

We start by executing x = 2
, which is the top node in the CFG. Then, we execute
the condition of the loop, x
. This condition is in the second node from
the top; fortunately, there exists an edge between x = 2
and x
allows for this possibility. Once we computed x
, we know that it’s nonzero,
and therefore we proceed to the loop body. This is the statement x = x - 1
contained in the bottom left node in the CFG. There is once again an edge
between x
and that node; so far, so good. Once we’re done executing the
statement, we go back to the top of the loop again, following the edge back to
the middle node. We then execute the condition, loop body, and condition again.
At that point we have reduced x
to zero, so the condition produces a falsey
value. We exit the loop and execute y = x
, which is allowed by the edge from
the middle node to the bottom right node.
We will want to show that every possible execution of the program (e.g., with different variable assignments) corresponds to a path in the CFG. If one doesn’t, then our program can do something that our CFG doesn’t account for, which means that our analyses will not be correct.
I will define a Trace
datatype, which will be an embellished
path through the graph. At its core, a path is simply a list of indices
together with edges that connect them. Viewed another way, it’s a list of edges,
where each edge’s endpoint is the next edge’s starting point. We want to make
illegal states unrepresentable, and therefore use the type system to assert
that the edges are compatible. The easiest way to do this is by making
our Trace
indexed by its start and end points. An empty trace, containing
no edges, will start and end in the same node; the ::
equivalent for the trace
will allow prepending one edge, starting at node i1
and ending in i2
, to
another trace which starts in i2
and ends in some arbitrary i3
. Here’s
an initial stab at that:
module _ {g : Graph} where
open Graph g using (Index; edges; inputs; outputs)
data Trace : Index → Index → Set where
Trace-single : ∀ {idx : Index} → Trace idx idx
Trace-edge : ∀ {idx₁ idx₂ idx₃ : Index} →
(idx₁ , idx₂) ∈ edges →
Trace idx₂ idx₃ → Trace idx₁ idx₃
This isn’t enough, though. Suppose you had a function that takes an evaluation judgement and produces a trace, resulting in a signature like this:
buildCfg-sufficient : ∀ {s : Stmt} {ρ₁ ρ₂ : Env} → ρ₁ , s ⇒ˢ ρ₂ →
let g = buildCfg s
in Σ (Index g × Index g) (λ (idx₁ , idx₂) → Trace {g} idx₁ idx₂)
What’s stopping this function from returning any trace through the graph,
including one that doesn’t even include the statements in our program s
We need to narrow the type somewhat to require that the nodes it visits have
some relation to the program execution in question.
We could do this by indexing the Trace
data type by a list of statements
that we expect it to match, and requiring that for each constructor, the
statements of the starting node be at the front of that list. We could compute
the list of executed statements in order using
I mentioned earlier that our encoding of the semantics is actually defining
a proof tree, which includes every step of the computation. That's why we can
write a function that takes the proof tree and extracts the executed statements.
That would work, but it loses a bit of information. The execution judgement
contains not only each statement that was evaluated, but also the environments
before and after evaluating it. Keeping those around will be useful: eventually,
we’d like to state the invariant that at every CFG node, the results of our
analysis match the current program environment. Thus, instead of indexing simply
by the statements of code, I chose to index my Trace
by the
starting and ending environment, and to require it to contain evaluation judgements
for each node’s code. The judgements include the statements that were evaluated,
which we can match against the code in the CFG node. However, they also assert
that the environments before and after are connected by that code in the
language’s formal semantics. The resulting definition is as follows:
The g [ idx ]
and g [ idx₁ ]
represent accessing the basic block code at
indices idx
and idx₁
in graph g
Trace Preservation by Graph Operations
Our proofs of trace existence will have the same “shape” as the functions that
build the graph. To prove the trace property, we’ll assume that evaluations of
sub-statements correspond to traces in the sub-graphs, and use that to prove
that the full statements have corresponding traces in the full graph. We built
up graphs by combining sub-graphs for sub-statements, using _∙_
two graphs), _↦_
(sequencing two graphs) and loop
(creating a zero-or-more
loop in the graph). Thus, to make the jump from sub-graphs to full graphs,
we’ll need to prove that traces persist through overlaying, sequencing,
and looping.
Take _∙_
, for instance; we want to show that if a trace exists in the left
operand of overlaying, it also exists in the final graph. This leads to
the following statement and proof:
There are some details there to discuss.
First, we have to change the indices of the returned
. That’s because they start out as indices into the graphg₁
, but become indices into the graphg₁ ∙ g₂
. To take care of this re-indexing, we have to make use of the↑ˡ
operators, which I described in this section of the previous post. -
Next, in either case, we need to show that the new index acquired via
returns the same basic block in the new graph as the old index returned in the original graph. Fortunately, the Agda standard library provides a proof of this,lookup-++ˡ
. The resulting equality is the following:g₁ [ idx₁ ] ≡ (g₁ ∙ g₂) [ idx₁ ↑ˡ Graph.size g₂ ]
This allows us to use the evaluation judgement in each constructor for traces in the output of the function.
Lastly, in the
case, we have to additionally return a proof that the edge used by the trace still exists in the output graph. This follows from the fact that we include the edges fromg₁
after re-indexing them.; edges = (Graph.edges g₁ ↑ˡᵉ Graph.size g₂) List.++ (Graph.size g₁ ↑ʳᵉ Graph.edges g₂)
function is just a listmap
. Thus, if a pair of edges is in the original list (Graph.edges g₁
), as is evidenced byidx₁→idx
, then its re-indexing is in the mapped list. To show this, I use the utility lemmax∈xs⇒fx∈fxs
. The mapped list is the left-hand-side of aList.++
operator, so I additionally use the lemma∈-++⁺ˡ
that shows membership is preserved by list concatenation.
The proof of Trace-∙ʳ
, the same property but for the right-hand operand g₂
is very similar, as are the proofs for sequencing. I give their statements,
but not their proofs, below.
Preserving traces is unfortunately not quite enough. The thing that we’re missing
is looping: the same sub-graph can be re-traversed several times as part of
execution, which suggests that we ought to be able to combine multiple traces
through a loop graph into one. Using our earlier concrete example, we might
have traces for evaluating x
then x = x -1
with the variable x
mapped first to 2
and then to 1
. These traces occur back-to-back, so we
will put them together into a single trace. To prove some properties about this,
I’ll define a more precise type of trace.
End-To-End Traces
The key way that traces through a loop graph are combined is through the
back-edges. Specifically, our loop
graphs have edges from each of the output
nodes to each of the input
nodes. Thus, if we have two paths, both
starting at the beginning of the graph and ending at the end, we know that
the first path’s end has an edge to the second path’s beginning. This is
enough to combine them.
This logic doesn’t work if one of the paths ends in the middle of the graph,
and not on one of the output
s. That’s because there is no guarantee that there
is a connecting edge.
To make things easier, I defined a new data type of “end-to-end” traces, whose
first nodes are one of the graph’s input
s, and whose last nodes are one
of the graph’s output
We can trivially lift the proofs from the previous section to end-to-end traces. For example, here’s the lifted version of the first property we proved:
The other lifted properties are similar.
For looping, the proofs get far more tedious, because of just how many sources of edges there are in the output graph — they span four lines:
I therefore made use of two helper lemmas. The first is about list membership
under concatenation. Simply put, if you concatenate a bunch of lists, and
one of them (l
) contains some element x
, then the concatenation contains
I then specialized this lemma for concatenated groups of edges.
Now we can finally prove end-to-end properties of loop graphs. The simplest one is
that they allow the code within them to be entirely bypassed
(as when the loop body is evaluated zero times). I called this
. The “input” node of the loop graph is index zero
while the “output” node of the loop graph is index suc zero
. Thus, the key
step is to show that an edge between these two indices exists:
The only remaining novelty is the trace
field of the returned EndToEndTrace
It uses the trace concatenation operation ++⟨_⟩
. This operator allows concatenating
two traces, which start and end at distinct nodes, as long as there’s an edge
that connects them:
The expression on line 239 of Properties.agda
is simply the single-edge trace
constructed from the edge 0 -> 1
that connects the start and end nodes of the
loop graph. Both of those nodes is empty, so no code is evaluated in that case.
The proof for combining several traces through a loop follows a very similar pattern. However, instead of constructing a single-edge trace as we did above, it concatenates two traces from its arguments. Also, instead of using the edge from the first node to the last, it instead uses an edge from the last to the first, as I described at the very beginning of this section.
Proof of Sufficiency
We now have all the pieces to show each execution of our program has a corresponding trace through a graph. Here is the whole proof:
We proceed by [note: Precisely, we proceed by induction on the derivation of . ] because that’s what tells us what the program did in that particular moment.
When executing a basic statement, we know that we constructed a singleton graph that contains one node with that statement. Thus, we can trivially construct a single-step trace without any edges.
When executing a sequence of statements, we have two induction hypotheses. These state that the sub-graphs we construct for the first and second statement have the trace property. We also have two evaluation judgements (one for each statement), which means that we can apply that property to get traces. The
function sequences the two graphs, and we can sequence the two traces through them, resulting in a trace through the final output. -
For both the
cases of evaluating anif
statement, we observe thatbuildCfg
overlays the sub-graphs of the two branches using_∙_
. We also know that the two sub-graphs have the trace property.- In the
case, since we have an evaluation judgement fors₁
(in variableρ₁,s₁⇒ρ₂
), we conclude that there’s a correct trace through thethen
sub-graph. Since that graph is the left operand of_∙_
, we useEndToEndTrace-∙ˡ
to show that the trace is preserved in the full graph. - In the
case things are symmetric. We are evaluatings₂
, with a judgement given byρ₁,s₂⇒ρ₂
. We use that to conclude that there’s a trace through the graph built froms₂
. Since this sub-graph is the right operand of_∙_
, we useEndToEndTrace-∙ʳ
to show that it’s preserved in the full graph.
- In the
For the
case ofwhile
, we have two evaluation judgements: one for the body and one for the loop again, this time in a new environment. They are stored inρ₁,s⇒ρ₂
, respectively. The statement being evaluated byρ₂,ws⇒ρ₃
is actually the exact same statement that’s being evaluated at the top level of the proof. Thus, we can useEndToEndTrace-loop²
, which sequences two traces through the same graph.We also use
to lift the trace throughbuildCfg s
into a trace throughbuildCfg (while e s)
. -
For the
case of thewhile
, we don’t execute any instructions, and finish evaluating right away. This corresponds to the do-nothing trace, which we have established exists usingEndToEndTrace-loop⁰
That’s it! We have now validated that the Control Flow Graphs we construct match the semantics of the programming language, which makes them a good input to our static program analyses. We can finally start writing those!
Defining and Verifying Static Program Analyses
We have all the pieces we need to define a formally-verified forward analysis:
- We have used the framework of lattices to encode the precision of program analysis outputs. Smaller elements in a lattice are more specific, meaning more useful information.
- We have implemented fixed-point algorithm, which finds the smallest solutions to equations in the form for monotonic functions over lattices. By defining our analysis as such a function, we can apply the algorithm to find the most precise steady-state description of our program.
- We have defined how our programs are executed, which is crucial for defining “correctness”.
Here’s how these pieces will fit together. We will construct a finite-height lattice. Every single element of this lattice will contain information about each variable at each node in the Control Flow Graph. We will then define a monotonic function that updates this information using the structure encoded in the CFG’s edges and nodes. Then, using the fixed-point algorithm, we will find the least element of the lattice, which will give us a precise description of all program variables at all points in the program. Because we have just validated our CFGs to be faithful to the language’s semantics, we’ll be able to prove that our algorithm produces accurate results.
The next post or two will be the last stretch; I hope to see you there!